What is Digital Marketing?

Technology advancements have certainly revolutionized our world and daily lives. We are embracing technology into our daily life immensely without even perceiving. As you read, I can bet that you have several internet-connected devices within arm’s reach, if not, they must be plugged into wall socket or power bank for recharge.

Have you noticed that the Low on Battery notification on your smart devices drives you to take immediate action to seek recharge because your conscious mind doesn’t want to part from the digital space you leverage for your very next need or action be it for your health, work, weather, transport, food, entertainment etc. The boundary between what we do online and in real life is fading fast.

As people adopt new habit and lifestyle leveraging the digital media, marketers, salespeople, and organizations will need to realign and react accordingly. Instead of the traditional media like Printed leaflet and Newspapers, and TV based Broadcast to a wide wholesale audiences, we need to shift towards online experience through a tablet, smart phone, Smart watch, banking wearables where we can market to set of consumer from a very specific demographics and during a time most suitable to convert.

The key channels that constitutes ‘digital marketing’ are:
* Website Development
* Search Engine Optimization
* Email Marketing
* Social Media Promotional Strategy
* Content Writing

Ultimately, your marketing strategy should consist of a systematic plan to build a comprehensive impact across multiple platforms, which may include any or all the channels featured above.

Think about creating a map online so that a customer from one place or spot online will travel all the way to become your customer and feel proud to remain as your loyal one.

Because this is still relatively emerging there’s still time to start small and scale in multiple phases.